Striving Against One’s Soul
The Noble Scholar Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him) stated:
Striving against one’s soul: It’s that the person strives against himself in obedience of Allah azza wa jall. He commands his soul with the obedience of Allah and mandates it with the obedience of Allah. He also prohibits it from the disobedience of Allah and prevents it from that. The person is in a struggle with himself throughout his entire life. Whoever doesn’t have the ability to strive against himself, he doesn’t have the ability to strive against other than himself. It is not possible for the person to strive (for the sake of Allah against others) except when he has striven against himself firstly by mandating his soul with the obedience of Allah and withholding it from the disobedience of Allah. The soul commands with that which is evil, except that which your Lord has had mercy upon (from the souls). Therefore the person is to strive against it until it complies with the obedience of Allah. Then in that case the person can turn to the remaining categories of striving (for the sake of Allah).
Source: Al-Jihaad wa Dawaabituhu ash-Shar’eeyah pg. 16-17
Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
15th of Ramadaan, 1437 (06-20-2016)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC
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