The first observation: The founder of Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh was nurtured upon Soofiyyah and made two oaths (bay'ah) to it[1] and lived upon this until he died. So due to this, he is a Soofee deeply-rooted in Soofiyyah.
The second observation: He used to be stationed at the graves waiting for spiritual revelations and blessings from their occupants.
The third observation: He used to be stationed as the Jishtee supervisor at the grave of 'Abdul-Quddoos al-Kankoohee, who believed in the ideology of the wahdat ul-wujood.[2]
The fourth observation: The Jishtee supervision is to sit at the grave for half an hour of every week while covering the head and making dhikr with this phrase: "Allaah is in my presence, Allaah is looking over me." And this action, if is done for Allaah, then it is an innovation, and if it is done out of submissiveness towards the occupant of the grave, then is it major shirk with Allaah. And the latter is more apparent, because if this submissiveness was for Allaah, then he would have done it at the masjid and would not have sat at the grave. So when he sat at the grave with this submissiveness, then this became a proof that he intended by this submissiveness the occupant of the grave.
The fifth observation: The founder of this jamaa'ah and his followers are Soofiyyah in their sulook (way, characteristics) and act upon four orders: the Jishtiyyah, the Naqshabandiyyah, the Sahrawardiyyah, and the Qaadiriyyah.
The sixth observation: That the sitting of the founder of this jamaa'ah by a grave of one who believes in wahdat ul-wujood proves that he believes in this [as well]. And if he did not believe in this, he would not have sat at the grave of one who believes in it in this way, and likewise [show] the submissiveness [towards him]. May Allaah keep us pure from what they have been tested with (i.e. bid'a and shirk).
The seventh observation: That the founder of this jamaa'ah is a Soofee, Qubooree (grave-worshipper) , Khuraafee (one who believes in heretical superstitions) .
The eighth observation: That their masjid from which their da'wah sprang forth has four graves inside of it. And the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "From the most evil of the creation are those who take the graves as masaajid. So do not take the graves as masaajid, for indeed, I forbid you from that." And this hadeeth is in the Saheehayn [of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim].
Source: al-Mawrid al-'Adhb al-Zalaal (p. 284) by way of the following thread on sahab:
http://www.sahab. net/sahab/ showthread. php?s=&threadid=287334
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[1] It has been said that he made oaths to the four major Soofee orders twice. The Shaykh is referring to these two cumulative oaths.
[2] Wahdat ul-wujood is the ideology that states that everything both seen and unseen is Allaah, i.e. the creation and the Creator are actually one and the same. And this is the greatest of kufr; there is no ideology in existence more evil than this, and there is no disbeliever more disbelieving than he who ascribes to this ideology. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan explained in his sharh of Nooniyyah how this ideology verifies and combines all other types of kufr and idolatry into one single madh-hab. He mentioned how even Iblees himself distinguished between the Creator and His creations, as is clear from the Qur'aan, whereas the zanadiqah (heretics) who affirm this filthy madh-hab do not.
The tenth observation: That the Tableegh worship with innovated dhikr (remembrance) upon the Soofee way, and this to separate the statement of tawheed La Ilaaha ila-Allaah.[ 3]
The eleventh observation: That whosoever cuts off the negation (Laa Ilaaha) from the affirmation (ila-Allaah) intentionally by saying "Laa Ilaaha" [by itself], then kufr has become necessary upon him due to this. And whoever says "ila-Allaah" 500 times [by itself] then he has disbelieved 500 times as has been established by ash-Shaykh Hammood at-Tuwayjiree as quoted from the Scholars.
The twelfth observation: That the dhikr in this form, which is what the Soofiyyoon are upon, is an innovation and misguidance, and it is not permissible to worship with it. So whoever says "La Ilaaha" 500 times then says "ila-Allaah" 400 times, then indeed, he is a misguided innovator - rather, he is a kaafir because he distinguished the negation from the affirmation. And whosever does this intentionally has disbelieved even if he is ignorant – he is not to be excused for his ignorance.
Source: al-Mawrid al-'Adhb al-Zalaal (p. 284) by way of the following thread on sahab:
http://www.sahab. net/sahab/ showthread. php?s=&threadid=287334
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[1] Kashf literally means unveiling, uncovering, etc. Used in this context, it is the Soofee concept insinuating that one can receive divine inspiration that "uncovers the true and hidden meanings" of Qur'aan or Sunnah. Imbedded into this heretical and evil allegation is an implied declaration of prophethood, for a person does not receive divine revelation (wahee) except that he is a prophet. And for one to claim prophethood is major kufr which ejects from the Religion.
[2] Muhammad Illiyaas az-zindeeq al-affaak al-atheem, having neither fear of Allaah nor knowledge of the principles of tafseer and Arabic language, explained the word 'ukhrijat' in this aayah to mean the innovated khurooj which the Tableegh perform to this day. So the defining characteristic of their sect is based upon the satanic whisperings of their founder and not upon any clear text. His son, Yoosuf al-Kandahlawee az-zindeeq, later compiled books full of fabricated and extremely weak ahaadeeth and aathaar in a desperate attempt to prove the validity of his father's innovated khurooj. May Allaah sever them.
[3] That is, they say 'Laa Ilaaha', wait an extensive period, then say 'ila-Allaah.' Even worse, they sometimes do not say Laa Ilaaha at all. These innovated adhkaar, as stated by Shaykh Hammood Bin 'Abdullaah at-Tuwayjiree, constitute major kufr and apostasy from Islaam due to what they contain from rejecting the Uloohiyyah of Allaah 'Azz wa Jal. So it becomes clear that these du'aat of fitnah and dalaal actually desire the destruction of tawheed - the very foundation of the da'wah of Prophets and Messengers.
The fifteenth observation: They believe that the life of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and the lives of the Awliyaa' (saints/pious persons) are worldly lives and not the lives of barzakh.[1]
The sixteenth observation: They are ignorant of Tawheed ul-Uloohiyyah and do not give it any value or any importance in their considerations. This is due to that whose clarification has preceded in the previous observations [of this treatise].
The seventeenth observation: And in Tawheed ul-Asmaa' was-Sifaat, they are Ashaa'irah, Maatureediyyah, even if they do read the hadeeth for blessings.[2]
The eighteenth observation: That their phrases are centered around Tawheed ur-Ruboobiyyah, and [affirming] this tawheed does enter one into Islaam, just as it did not enter the Arab Mushrikeen into it.[3]
The nineteenth observation: That they hate the callers to tawheed, whom they call "Wahhaabiyyah"[4], such Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, and Ibn 'Abdil-Wahhaab. And this indicates their deviance and wickedness.
The twentieth observation: That they do not proclaim the obligation of disbelieving in at-Taaghoot[ 5] and they do not like it that one should speak about disbelieving in at-Taaghoot. And they hate with a severe hatred that one should speak about this, rather, they will expel him from amongst them.
The twenty-first observation: That they do not forbid the evil and they do not permit a person to forbid any evil. Rather, they consider the stipulations regarding some evils to conflict with wisdom, as they allege. And indeed, Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala censured the Children of Israa'eel and cursed them due to their lack of forbidding the evil. So he said:
Source: al-Mawrid al-'Adhb al-Zalaal (p. 284) by way of the following thread on sahab:
http://www.sahab. net/sahab/ showthread. php?s=&threadid=287334
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[1] It is the life of the grave which occurs between one's worldly death and the Day of Resurrection. When a person dies in this life, he passes on to the life of barzakh. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and those who have died from the Awliyaa' are currently living this life of barzakh and not the worldly life.
[2] In their endless quest to devalue knowledge and its importance, the Tableegh adamantly state that they do not read ayaat or ahaadeeth to gain knowledge or understanding, rather, they do so for "barakah" (blessings only). That is why they only read the last ten suwar from the Qur'aan as has preceded in the fatwa of the Lajnah – they are not interested in learning the meanings of the Qur'aan nor acting upon it, but rather, they seek blessings by reading only these specific suwar and nothing else. And as the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Whomsoever Allaah desires good for, He gives him understanding of the Religion." Thus, their having no understanding nor care for understanding indicates that Allaah does not desire good for them. So they achieved neither understanding nor barakah, but rather, humiliation and disgrace for their playing with Allaah's Deen.
[3] Refer to the first principle of al-Qawaa'id al-Arba' by al-Mujaddid al-Muslih Muhammad Bin 'Abdil-Wahhaab and it various explanations for further insight on this important issue.
[4] This is a derogatory ascription to Muhammad Bin 'Abdil-Wahhaab (d. 1206). In order to justify such an ascription, one must show that the Shaykh brought something new from himself. The Shaykh did not do this, rather, he revived the Religion of Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and removed the doubts of the Mushrikeen by way of textual proofs from the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), and the statements of the Salaf [the first three generations] , as is evident in his works – most notably Kitaab ut-Tawheed. So the callers of shirk and misguidance tried desperately to defame this Imaam and failed miserably, with the summit of their efforts being the pathetic book "ad-Durar as-Sunniyyah fir-Radd 'Ala al-Wahhaabiyyah" – a book filled with such horrendous lies and fabrications that, rather than harming the Shaykh, it only exposed the humiliating status of its author and his likes. Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh has delivered more than one excellent lecture clarifying Shaykh ul-Islaam and his da'wah and refuting his critics, so refer to them. It is also sufficient to know that many 'Ulamaa' outside of Najd from his time and after his time praised him, like as-San'aanee, a contemporary of his, Jamaal ud-Deen al-Qaasimee, and many others. As for the head callers of shirk and bida', like the Muhammad Illiyaas, then the 'Ulamaa' have not only not praised them, but have extensively exposed and refuted them, as this thread proves.
[5] A Taaghoot is anything worshipped alongside/instead of Allaah 'Azz wa Jal and is pleased with it. So if if the object of worship was a pious Muwahhid, such as 'Eesa Bin Maryam (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), al-'Uzayr (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), al-Husayn, 'Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee, etc. In that case, the Taaghoot becomes Satan, who is responsible for deceiving the people and calling them to this shirk.
And on top of this, the meaning of Laa Ilaaha ila-Allaah [according to them] is that "There is nothing in existence except Allaah." And this is negating the existence of every existing thing except for Allaah the Exalted, and Allaah is Exalted above their statement with a great highness.
The twenty-third observation: Their beliefs regarding dreams, miracles, stories, and superstitions, and that so-and-so went on khurooj [with the Tableegh] from his family, closed the door on them, and stayed with them (the Tableegh) for 4 months. Then he returned to them and found them in a better condition [than they were in before he went on khurooj], so he asked them and they told him that an old woman entered upon them and served them. And I have heard similar to this from some of them with my own ears, and they allege that this is a miracle which proves that their action is loved by Allaah 'Azz wa Jal.[1]
The twenty-fourth observation: That the founder of this jamaa'ah appointed himself a legislator [of religion], so he legislated for his followers these six pillars or six attributes. So he legislated for them khurooj 3 days, or 10 days, or 4 days, or 4 months, etc. And he prepared a legislation for his followers, and if his followers agree upon that which he drew out for them and do not neglect it, then they have made him a legislator for them, since they have traversed upon the line which he drew out for them, [which consists] of that which has preceded (i.e. the khurooj) and other than it, such as not proclaiming the disbelief in at-Taaghoot, not forbidding the evil, and other than this.
The twenty-fifth observation: What ash-Shaykh Hammood at-Tuwayjiree has mentioned, quoting from Professor Sayf ur-Rahmaan Bin Ahmad in his book, "Nadhrah 'Ibaarah I'tibaariyyah 'an al-Jamaa'at it-Tableeghiyyah," that they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in many affairs. So he said:
And indeed, Sayf ur-Rahmaan mentioned many types of similarities between the Tableegh and the Shee'ah in his book. And whosoever resembles a people is amongst them. And this is a summary of what he mentioned, so he said: "And from that which is noticed [about the Tableegh] is that they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in covering-up poison with grease, and they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in covering-up that which is in their books.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in covering-up many of their far-removed beliefs (i.e. far-removed from the sunnah) in terms of ghuloo, dalaal, and the extremism which is far-removed [from the sunnah].
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in terms of [using] deception in the name of wisdom and carefulness, such that they make something apparent and hide something else, divert the speech from its proper context, and say one thing and do something else.[2]
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in their false interpretations which are far-removed from the way of the Salaf us-Saalih.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in their being far-removed from the texts and from the knowledge of the texts.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in limiting their knowledge and the knowledge of their sect to their books which are well-known with them and nothing besides them from the books and nothing besides them from the Scholars of the Muslimeen.[3]
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in preventing their followers from research and seeking the truth from other than themselves.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in making the majority of the religion limited to the virtues and faults and placing great emphasis on the major sins.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in [improperly] appraising the fallacies and exaggerations.
And they have resemblance to the Shee'ah in [improperly] appraising nifaaq (hypocrisy), manifesting tawheed, and obscuring shirk – rather – the call to tawheed and spreading of shirk." [End of Shaykh Hammood's speech as well…]
Then he mentioned in the same page the manifestations of resemblance between them and the Qaadiyaaniyyeen as well, quoted from the book of Sayf ur-Rahmaan Ahmad, "Nadhrah 'Ibaarah I'tibaariyyah 'an al-Jamaa'at it-Tableeghiyyah." So whosoever desires further elaboration, then let him return to these two books or one of them, and Allaah is the Giver of Success to whomever he desires from His servants and He is the One Who Guides to the straight path.
Source: al-Mawrid al-'Adhb al-Zalaal (p. 284) by way of the following thread on sahab, and it is the final part of this four-part series:
http://www.sahab. net/sahab/ showthread. php?s=&threadid=287334
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[1] And this is just a small sample of what the Tableegh resort to in order to justify their innovations. There any many, many more similarly-absurd tales widespread amongst the Tableegh which are more ridiculous and outrageous than that mentioned above. It is also interesting to note how you may hear the exact same story from two different members of the Tableegh in two different places in the world, only that the settings and characters have conveniently changed to suit the specific audience!
[2] He is referring to their picking and choosing the good which they enjoin the evil which they forbid. As has been mentioned previously, they hide rulings on various issues and do not forbid the evil in the name of wisdom – in reality, this is mere deception designed to enlist more members into their sect. And this type of deception is commonplace with the Shee'ah, rather, it is the foundation of their sect, as they are known to openly admit: "Our religion is deception."
[3] They almost exclusively use "Fadaa'il ul-A'maal" and "Hayaat us-Sahaabah", both by Muhammad Yoosuf al-Kandahlawee, whose grave is now a wathan buried in the Tableegh's primary masjid. In the Arab world, however, they also use "Riyaadh us-Saaliheen" in order to gain acceptance with what is generally a more astute audience.
1 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 1: Their Methodology
2 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 2: Dealing with the people of Sunnah
3 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 3: Attitude with Allaah
4 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 4: Calling people to the Five Prayers
5 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 5: The Knowledge
6 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 6: The Rememberance
7 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 7: Honoring the Muslims
8 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 8: Correcting the Intention
9 Jamaatut-Tableegh- 9: The Conveying
To Hear the Audio of all Above Nine Topics Pls visit :-
http://www.twtpubs. com/audio/ series/jamat_ tableegh. php
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