Abû Bakr Al-Siddîq – Allâh be pleased with him – said:
I will not leave anything Allâh's Messenger – Allâh's peace and blessings be upon him – did, except that I will also do it; for I fear that if I were to leave any of his commands and ways I would deviate.
Al-Bukhârî, Al-Sahîh 2:386 hadîth no. 3093; Ibn Battah, Al-Ibânah article 77, and others.
After recording this narration, Ibn Battah states:
This, my brothers, is the greatest Siddîq (true believer i.e. Abû Bakr), fearing that he would fall into deviation if he were to leave any of the commandments of his Prophet – Allâh's peace and blessings be upon him. What then is to happen in a time in which people deride their Prophet and his commandments, and compete with each other and show off in contradicting him and mock his Sunnah? We ask Allâh to protect us from slipping and to save us from evil deeds.
As salaamou alikum with that being said The closest one to the Prophet Salaalla'Alayhi wa salam Abu Bakr( Rahimatuallah) Followed his Sunnah and was affraid to deviate why in 2010 we have Muslim who are Quranist or Quraniyoon( those who don't Follow the Sunnah) even Speak!! i have met some of this folks. I don't get there Ideology at all. May Allah Guide us all, towards what is pure and Correct. Ameen
If Allah Azz wal Jal clearly instructed to us to Obey the Prophet Salalla'Alayhi wa salam and you will Obey Me what is the issue again?
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