
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Saying Sadaqa Allaahul Adheem is a Bid’ah

Saying Sadaqa Allaahul Adheem is a Bid’ah

Author: Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen

Source: Izaalat as-Sitaar an al-Jawaab al-Mukhtaar

Published: Wednesday 24th December 2003

Many people have the habit of ending a recitation from the Qur’aan with the words “Sadaqa Allaahul Adheem (Almighty Allaah has spoken the truth),” but this has no basis in Islaam because the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) did not do it, nor was it the custom of the Sahaabah (radiAllaahu ‘anhum ajma’een), and it was unknown among the Taabi’een (the generation after the Sahaabah).

This custom arose in later times because some reciters would say these words, on the basis of the aayah,

“Say: Allaah has spoken the truth” [Soorah Aal ‘Imraan (3):95]

and people liked this. But this istihsaan (being liked) should be rejected, because if this was really something good, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), the Sahaabah and the Taabi’een – the salaf or first and best generations of the Ummah – would not have neglected to do it.

The aayah,

“Say: Allaah has spoken the truth” [Soorah Aal ‘Imraan (3):95]

does not mean that these words should be said at the end of any reading or recitation. If that were the case, He (Allaah) would have said, “When you finish reading, say ‘Allaah has spoken the truth,’” just as He said,

“So when you want to recite the Qur’aan, seek refuge with Allaah from Shaytaan (Satan), the outcast (the cursed one).” [Soorah an-Nahl (16):98]

The aayah which the innovators use to support their practice of saying “Sadaqa Allaah” after reciting Qur’aan was actually revealed in the context of confirming what was said about how all food had been lawful to Bani Israa’eel except what Israa’eel had made unlawful for himself.

Allaah said,

“… Say (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam): ‘Bring here the Tawraat (Torah) and recite it, if you are truthful.’ Then, after that, whosoever shall invent a lie against Allaah, such shall indeed be the Dhaalimoon (disbelievers). Say (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), ‘Allaah has spoken the truth; follow the religion of Ibraaheem Haneefa (Islaamic monotheism, i.e., he used to worship Allaah alone), and he was not of al-Mushrikoon (polytheists).’” [Soorah Aal ‘Imraan (3):93-95]

If this aayah meant that these words should be said after reciting from the Qur’aan, the first one to know and do this would have been the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam). Because this is not the case, we know that this is not what was meant.

In conclusion, therefore, saying “Sadaqa Allaahul Adheem” after reciting Qur’aan is an innovation, and the Muslim should not say it.

But believing that Allaah has spoken the truth is obligatory, and whoever disbelieves or doubts the truth of what Allaah has said is a kaafir who is outside of the pale of Islam. We seek refuge with Allaah from that.

If a person says “Allaah has spoken the truth” on certain occasions, such as when something He has foretold comes to pass, affirming the truth of what He has said, then this is permissible, because something similar has been reported in the Sunnah. The Prophet (Sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) was giving a speech, and al-Hasan and al-Husayn came along, so he came down from the minbar, picked them up and put them in front of him, then he said,

“Indeed Allaah has spoken the truth:“Your wealth and your children are only a trial...” [Soorah at-Taghaabun 64:15]”


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