
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Albaseerahorg invites those tolearn the Correct Al-Islam!!

As salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatu May this find you and your families enjoying the many rewards and bounties of Ramadan. May Allah accept your Siyaam and Qiyaam and bless you with the reward of Jannatul Firdous! We invite our dear brothers and sisters in this blessed month of Ramadaan to co-operate with us and help us spread the word about tele lectures, conferences, and seminars with scholars and mashaykh of ahli sunnah.
Please help us distribute flyers in your local community and Islamic centers

Please make copies of flyers and distribute after Jumuah prayer and Eed prayer in your local masjid

and post the flyers in your masjid, community centers.

Flyers can be found at www.albaseerah. org/flyer/

In an effort to disseminate the correct message of Al-Islaam, make it easily and freely accessible to all, provide multi services to our local and global community, We at www.albaseerah. org are always in nee of YOU for Dawah projects.

1- Add in your favorite list and ask others to do the same.

2- Request admins of websites, discussion boards, blogs to add albaseerah link.

3- Sponsor an ad in various magazines, newspapers and publications.

We strongly believe that every single one of you is blessed with unique qualities. Allaah has given you great skills and abilities to do many things. Some of you may have already discovered such qualities & skills and some of you may not have realized that you actually have so many skills but you need someone to "awaken you" so here we are !!!

(click here) >>> Let's help you explore many good qualities you possess which you may utilize to further the cause of Al-Islaam and help spread the authentic and balanced message of Al-Quraan and As-Sunnah. <<< (click here)

* ~ * ~* ~ * ~ * ~ *

Say: "Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allash's Cause), He will replace it (with better). And He is the Best of Providers." (Saba' 34:39)

Please donate Generously, Click here for info.or donate online. http://www.albaseer

Jazakallahu Khairan May Allaah make us among those who will have Ramadaan as hujjah for them and not against them. And May All the doors of jannah be open for us including the door of Siyaam. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatu Albaseerah Senior Moderator


Lars Shalom said...


never a hate campaign!!

Shukran UmmIsmail Webb, May Allaah azz wal Jaal Reward you. Ameen said...


Thanks for stopping by Islam is the Truth. and It not built upon hate. And those that pratice such things Not from this Blessed Deen.

Lazeena Umm Yusuf said...

as salaamu alaikum, nice blog! thanks for the info on the last 10 nights, its always good to read up on stuff to help motivate you to do more alhamdulillah.

and please check out my blog for a great sadaqah project inshaAllah! jazakAllah khayr

Comment Section

Greenville Masjid Information Center

Greenville Masjid

As salaamou alikum wa Rahmatuallah wa Baraktu The GreenvilleMasjid it's Located @ 96 Meridian Ave.

Taylors, SC 29687 .
Phone: 864-292-2219

**Please Note On Friday"s Jumma is held at the Upstate Islamic Center(UIC) 1601 Clement Drive,Greer,SC Please check Website for Additional information.

Insha allah Make Du'aa and Keep in Mind the Construction of the New Masjid and Islamic School
As- Sabeel Academy << click here.

Also Keep in mind the After school Program"As-Sabeel "Enrichment Hour". refer to below email for Details insha allah. If any Question about Volunteering Refer below as well.

Volunteers Needed !!

Other Local Masjid In the Upstate!!

Clemson Sc

Greenville Masjid News Letter

Upstate Islamic Center

Halal Market: HolyLand International Grocery
200 North PleasantBurg Drive(Unit C)
Greenville SC, 29607

Pita Grille
3217 WadeHampton Boulevard
Taylors, SC , 29687 (864) 292-8200
Pita Grille <<

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